Apparently the Key to Happiness...

by Roy Mackey

the key to happiness,, steel sculpture, steel art, roy mackey, vancouver bc

     The key to happiness is simple. There have been endless books written about this subject and thousands of dollars spent researching it also. Yet after all this time there is still a lot of unhappy people. Almost nothing has been gained except more weight and more unhappiness.

     Well here I am going to tell you the number one key and if you grasp this key you will never be sad again. Of course the cure is so simple most people will never try it seriously and continue being sad. This is also the trick to life in general also. You see if you are never sad then all your choices are made from a happy place. Decisions made from a sad, desperate or negative place always work out wrong. They have to since like attracts like in this world. That is why when things get bad they always get worse. We have all seen that over and over in our and other peoples lives.

     If you think back that is often the case though a lot of people don't catch this and for good reason. First they get all depressed because their wife left them for their best friends wife. The guy ends up sulking around for months until one day he wakes up and realizes what a fool he has been and decides it is time to move on. Sure enough before no time at all things start to pick up. He gets all excited about the new possibilities and off he goes. He may think his decision was made from a bad space but actually it was made from a good space that was really close to a bad space.

     So the big question is how do you stay happy all the time? I will tell you in a few words here. You stay happy by only comparing yourself to people who are, or at least you perceive to be, worse off than you. Weird I know... Just the same it is real easy since no matter how bad off you are the majority of the world is in way direr straights than you can even imagine. I read once online that half the kids in the world starve to death before they are twelve. Yea I know your stocks are down and all that easy money you made overnight is now gone again but hell not near as bad as starving to death is. Don't believe me then try it sometime.

     If losing money depresses you my guess is you are comparing yourself to someone like Bill Gates or Donald Trump instead of some kid at the children's hospital. Whoa dude!,... time to show a little manhood!!! Besides your girlfriend and other friends are getting sick of all your crybabying. Note: I will be writing something here soon on showing a little manhood but not until I finish reading the book on it and have practiced it a bit myself...

     If this trick to happiness does not work for you then it tells me that you are taking life far too seriously. I know we all forget at times and before long start believing our mellow drama's. Good God we all have enough of them. At least mine are serious but that's besides the point right now.

     What most people do is get into a bad feeling place and use that bad feeling to motivate them into making some serious life decisions. Things like, if he leaves that toilet seat up one more time then that's it I am leaving the bum. Now this might not be a bad idea. If you were in a very positive and uplifted state when you decided on it I would say go for it. But if you were feeling bad at the time of making that decision then you better watch out...

     Bad decisions like that lead you down a dark and dreary path to nowhere, in fact right across the street from me. All the good intentions in the world won't pave you a new road up and outa here either. I've tried. Roads paved with good intentions all lead down...

     The trick is, in order to turn your negative state around, you first compare yourself to someone you know or know about... let's say... your brother for example. How would you like to be him? I hear ya! Two minutes on that thought and your grim situation starts to look pretty sweet again. At least a little better anyway. Once you start on the upswing with more positive thoughts then you start to get a roll on. Before long you are feeling like a million. That is when you can start making your major life choices. If you do you will be amazing at how fast change happens.

     A lot of people don't know how powerful this trick is but most drunks sure do. If they have a serious drinking problem and are not ready to admit it this is what they do. They just compare themselves to some drunk living on the street. No matter how bad their life gets they just have to say "At least I am not living on the street" This works even if they killed someone in a car accident, lost their job, wife, family  and friends etc. As long as they are not living on the street they are fine. It actually works very well. In fact if you are a drunk and feeling guilty about your problem you can use this if you don't already. At the very least it buys you some time before having to face up to facts. After all that is what we are all looking for is more time... right?

     Remember war just begets more war, hate begets more hate and laws beget more criminals. Actions taken from a negative state will just bring more negative results. Instead just compare yourself to someone else for awhile until you feel better.

     Seriously think about it, how would you like to be some other hard done by soul. You don't have to look to far beyond the mirror to find one. Especially these days. It seems everyone is carrying around some kind of disaster or the other. Plus if you are able to look beyond here in Babylon it gets even easier. You really should give this a try. Your friends will like you more because of it. You will feel better. You will be a lot easier to tolerate and it will no longer matter to you that their is a governmental conspiracy trying to overthrow your mind with drugs added to your food. The sun will shine brighter for you, the lines on your face will lighten, you will sleep better, you will have more energy and best of all... you won't have to eat that white slop they ate on the Matrix. 

     Then and only then, after you get back into an appreciating state, start making more decisions. Your life will start heading the other way almost immediately. Not to mention you will feel better. At least that's what I heard anyway. You can do what you want but I know I might just give it a shot... I just got to deal with a few serious issues first though...